If you are not aware of Lightning Locker Service in Salesforce, then I strongly recommend,
Learn Lightning Locker Service here.👈
You can disable LockerService for a component by setting version 39.0 or lower for the component. If a component is set to at least API version 40.0, which is the version for Summer '17, LockerService is enabled.
LockerService is disabled for any component created before Summer '17 because these components have an API version less than 40.0.
Component versioning enables you to associate a component with an API version. When you create a component, the default version is the latest API version. In Developer Console, click Bundle Version Settings in the right panel to set the component version.
Check out How to show the difference with and without Lightning LockerService using lightning components?
Learn Lightning Locker Service here.👈
You can disable LockerService for a component by setting version 39.0 or lower for the component. If a component is set to at least API version 40.0, which is the version for Summer '17, LockerService is enabled.
LockerService is disabled for any component created before Summer '17 because these components have an API version less than 40.0.
Learn Learning Salesforce Lightning Application Development to accelerate your Career with Salesforce!!!
Component versioning enables you to associate a component with an API version. When you create a component, the default version is the latest API version. In Developer Console, click Bundle Version Settings in the right panel to set the component version.
Check out How to show the difference with and without Lightning LockerService using lightning components?