There are 3 decorators in LWC that add functionality to property or function.
To expose a public property, decorate it with @api. Public properties are reactive. If the value of reactive property changes, the component rerenders.
To track a private property`s value and rerender a component when it changes, decorate the property with @track. Tracked properties are also private reactive properties.
This @track decorator is No Longer Required for LWC
Components use @wire in there Javascript class to specify a wire adaptor or an apex method
For example: Demo.html
<lightning-card title="Property Demo" icon-name="custom:custom54">
<lightning-input value={msgApi}
label="Private property"
Message is : {msgApi}
import { LightningElement, api, track } from 'lwc';
export default class Demo extends LightningElement {
@track message = "Reactive property";
@api msgApi = "API property";