In this blog, we are going to see 2 way to call apex class method using @wire in LWC.
Create Apex class : CaseController
public with sharing class CaseController {
@AuraEnabled(cacheable= true)
public static List<Case> getAllCases(){
try {
List<Case> lstCase = [SELECT Id, Subject, Origin FROM Case];
return lstCase;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());
1 : @wire(ApexMethodName) variableName;
Create Lightning web component : wireMethod.html
<lightning-card title="All Cases" icon-name="standard:case" variant="base">
<!-- Card Body -->
<template for:each={} for:item="objItem">
<p key={objItem.Id}>
{objItem.Subject} <br/> {objItem.Origin}
<template if:true={caseList.error}>
Something goes wrong.
import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import getAllCases from '@salesforce/apex/CaseController.getAllCases';
export default class WireMethod extends LightningElement {
@wire(getAllCases) caseList;
caseList have 2 parameters
- data : returned data by apex
- error : contains error if any
@wire(getAllCases) caseList;
2 : @wire(ApexMethodName) variableName;
<lightning-card title="All Cases" icon-name="standard:case" variant="base">
<!-- Card Body -->
<template for:each={records} for:item="objItem">
<p key={objItem.Id}>
{objItem.Subject} <br/> {objItem.Origin}
<template if:true={errors}>
Something goes wrong.
import { LightningElement, wire, api } from 'lwc';
import getAllCases from '@salesforce/apex/CaseController.getAllCases';
export default class WireMethod extends LightningElement {
@api records;
@api errors;
wiredCase ({ data, error }){
- data => return list of case
- error => error in for, of object
wiredCase ({
data, error
this.records = data;
this.errors = undefined;
this.records = undefined;
this.errors = error;
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