1. User A manually share record with User B. User A left organization, can User B still access records shared by User A?
Ans: No, Once Owner changes, then Owner based sharing remove by Salesforce. New owner need to re-share record with User B.
2. What is Data Skew and Owner Skew ? How to avoid it.
Ans: If parent record have more than 10000 child record then its Data skew.
If user is owner of more than 10000 records then its Owner Skew.
We have to monitor if any parent have more child records and move those to other parent.
If we have default owner then use some other logic to make default owner to other users.
3. When Object level access and Record level access have a conflict then what happens.
For example, let's say we have account object User A and User B both have read and edit access account object. User A manually share account record with the User B but while doing manual share User A provide read access to the User B. so User B can edit that manually shared Account record ?
Ans: Whenever there is a Object level access and Record level access have calculated Salesforce give the restrict level access to the user, in our case User B cannot Edit record shared by User A even if he have access Read and Edit Access
4. For Account object, User B do not have Edit access on Object level access. and User A manually shared account with Read and Edit access with User B, is User B able to Edit account ?
Ans: No, as User B do not have Edit access on Object level access (Profile level)
5. Account have 2 record types X and Y. On Profile, User A have X record type access but do not have access for record type Y. Can User A view Y record type Account records ?
Ans: Yes, can VIEW Y record type records. Record type restrict only Create access.
6. We have User a and User B, User A is above in role hierarchy but no Edit access on Account object. User B have Edit access on Account. Does User A have can edit the same record.
Ans: No, as User A do not have Edit access on Account object, so even on above role hierarchy User A cannot Edit account record.
7. Share button is not visible on page layout, why ?
Ans: If OWD of object is Public read - write then no need of sharing button. If OWD is not Public read - write, then check page layout and add button.
8. You want to give permission to certain group of users to export data from Salesforce, how would you achieve this ?
Ans: Create permission set and enable Weekly Data Export permission. Assign this permission set to users who need access to export data.
9. User A do not have FLS for Email field on Contact object. Can User A able to global search based on Email field ?
Ans: Yes, User A can do global search and get records but when User opens record then can not see Email field on Contact record.
10. What is the difference between Queue and public group ?
Ans: Queue is used for record owner ship. WE can not create queue on objects
Public group is used for record visibility. WE can create public groups on objects. WE can create nested public groups.
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