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5 Simple Steps to Delete Salesforce Org

I have created a Salesforce Developer org to learn Salesforce functionality. But there is no easy way to reset to default configurations, it seems to delete the current and apply a new one is the easiest solution.

To delete Salesforce developer org, you have to below steps:

1: Go to Setup.
2: Search for "Company Information". 
3: There is a Deactivate Org button in this configuration page, click on it.
4: Enter Your Org Name
5: Click on Deactivate Org Button.

First  30 Days: You can change your mind during this time and reactivate the Org.
Second 30 Days: The org is locked and you must contact Salesforce Customer Support to reactivate it.
After 60 Days: The org is permanently deleted and irretrievable.

The permanent delete takes 60 days. You may reactivate within 30 days and contact support after 30 days but within 60 days.

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  1. For any Salesforce Admin or developer, there is a requirement to mass delete fields for an Custom or Standard Object. It would be tedious job to delete each field one by one using Salesforce Standard process. These type of work requests would take more effort and time, so one of the best option to overcome this situation and save user precious time, there is an app exchange tool called Salesforce Bulk Object Field Creator (BOFC)


  2. Thanks for Posting informative blog.Salesforce Administration training by E2E will enable you to master all the core administration features of Salesforce from basic to expert level! Visit here today!

  3. User can compare objects within same or different orgs. For eg: Sandbox to Sandbox, or Production to Sandbox with the help of Bulk Object Field Creator (BOFC) App
